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Zero Waste Kitchen: Cleaning and Dishwashing Essentials

Writer: thisblemishedmomthisblemishedmom

Updated: Sep 24, 2020

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How much waste are you producing daily just by cleaning your kitchen ? ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

⁣⁣If you're like the majority of the population your kitchen produces A LOT of waste . All the kitchen basics seem to be plastic, disposable, or toxic...⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Dish scrubbers are plastic , dishwasher detergent is made of toxic chemicals wrapped in plastic, paper towels and napkins are used once then thrown out...


But there are other options!

There are tons of companies and stores with WASTE FREE & NON TOXIC items available to almost anyone.

You just need to look.


Dishwashing blocks and bars are a great waste free option for dishwashing. All you need to do is wet your cloth or sponge and dishwashing block to creates a lather.

I use No Tox Life's Dishwashing block for most my dishwashing and hand washing kitchen needs.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ It works great for removing grease and comes package free.


 When I need to soak a dish I use Essentials By Nature's Liquid dish soap in a glass jar or a drop of Castile soap.

There are many stores and companies now offering refills for things like dish soap, lotion, and laundry detergent. This is a great choice if you are not willing to give up on your liquid dish soap. Do a little research there might be a a refill station close to you.




We do not buy paper towels or napkins . Instead we use cloth for everything . I have tons of tea towels, dish cloths, and rags for all my kitchen cleaning needs . ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I also recently started using unpaper towel from Marley's Monsters and have fallen in LOVE! It's definitely not a necessity but its very convenient.


My favourite item in my kitchen is my Ten & Co. sponge cloth . It is great for cleaning up spills as it holds a ton of water. It leaves all my surfaces streak free and it is naturally antibacterial ... which means no dirty cloth smell !!!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

It can be washed up to 200 times and is 100% biodegradable.

It's seriously AMAZING.




I use all sorts of dish brushes for scrubbing dishes .

My favourite are these Plant Based Cleaning Brushes. ( Click HERE for the US link)


I also use a copper dish scrubber I bought at the dollar store.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣



 I am currently using The Unscented Company's dish tabs. I buy mine at Bulk Barn when I do my Bulk shopping.

I have seen multiple low waste and chemical free dishwasher detergents at my local grocery store.

Why not give them a try?

It's time we say no to toxic chemical in our homes.




 I use a mixture of 1 part Castile soap to 3 parts water for all my kitchen cleaning needs!

I fill a spray bottle with this and use it to clean my table, counters, windowsills, doors, sinks, floors, and tons more!

Be sure to check out my blog post A Guide to Zero Waste Cleaning: Castile Soap.



Remember like most things there is always the option to make your own!

⁣⁣Do you know if your city or town has any zero waste stores or refill stations? ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

You will be amazed at all the options out there.

Remember every effort counts... no matter how small.



This Blemished Life.

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