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My Favourite Type of Cloth Diaper & Why It's Not Pocket Diapers

Writer: thisblemishedmomthisblemishedmom

Updated: Sep 24, 2020

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My cloth diaper stash is getting larger and larger by the minute. Trying new types, styles, and brands of cloth diapers has become a bit of a hobby of mine.

I have so many different types of cloth diapers now. Pocket diapers, prefolds, flats, fitteds , all in ones (ai1) , all in twos (ai2), wool covers, convertible covers, ect.

For a beginner all the types of cloth diapers might feel overwhelming. It's hard to know where to begin. Thats where I come in!

Keep on reading to find out a little bit about the different types of cloth diapers and which type is my favourite.


Why I DON'T love Pocket Diapers

Like so many other cloth diapering moms I started out with pocket diapers. I regret that choice. I am not sure why everyone loves pocket diapers so much.

Pocket diaper laundry is by far the most time consuming.

Digging through all my diaper laundry to find inserts and stuffing EACH & EVERY pocket diaper takes forever and its frustrating.

Pocket diapers are a very affordable option and once they are stuffed they are just as easy as an all in one cloth diapers. This makes them great for daycare.

I just don't have the time to sit and stuff diapers.

If you are looking for great pocket diapers I use Glowbug Cloth Diapers , Sweet Pea Diapers, & Alvababy. I like them all equally.

All in Twos and All in Ones

After discovering I wasn't a fan of pocket diapers I assumed all in ones and all in twos would be my favourite. NOPE!

I do love my ai2 and ai1 a lot! They are great. They just are not my favourite.

ALL IN ONE cloth diapers are a great choice especially for daycare BUT they are very expensive. A full stash of ai1 cloth diapers will cost you a fortune.

Ai1 cloth diapers also take forever to dry!

If you are looking for a great Ai1 I love my Luludew all in ones the most.

I love ALL IN TWO cloth diapers . I love that when baby needs a diaper change you just change the inserts and you can reuse the cover. This is especially awesome when you have matched your babes outfit to her diaper!

All in two inserts just snap right in to the cover. Its nice and simple.

What I don't love is that with ai2 diapers the inserts are not interchangeable. You have to use the inserts that snaps into the cover. You can't mix and match with other brands.

I hate digging through laundry to find the correct insert.

Ai2 cloth diapers tend to be on the pricey side as well.

My favourite all in two cloth diapers are Mother Ease Wizard Duo and Lil Helper Diapers.

Check out my review of the Mother Ease Wizard Duo HERE.



Prefold & Flats

I really wanted to love prefold diapers and flat diapers because they are by far the most inexpensive way to cloth diaper. I just seem to struggle with them.

It is fairly simple to learn the correct folds.... It's just difficult with a wiggly baby. My daughter moves around so much I struggle to get the diaper on her.

What I do love about prefold and flat diapers is that they are not bulky on your babes bum! This is nice if you are trying to squeeze that fluff butt into some cute jeans.

Just remember both prefolds and flats require a waterproof cover!

Most diaper retailers sell prefold cloth diapers. Mine are from Luludew!

My Favourite Type of Diaper: Fitted Diapers

I LOVE FITTED CLOTH DIAPERS! They are 100% my all time favourite type of cloth diaper!

My favourite thing about fitteds is that just like ai2 diapers, prefolds, and flats you can reuse the cover. Which means less laundry & baby wears the same cute diaper ALL DAY LONG!

Fitted diapers require a waterproof diaper cover. You can use any cover for any fitted diaper. Fitted diapers snap on the same way as most diaper covers. No need to learn any fancy folds. They are also very trim!

I love fitteds for my diaper bag. I pack 4 fitted diapers for every 1 cover. It takes up way less space than ai1 , ai2, and pocket diapers.

Fitted diapers without a cover are a great option if you are trying to air out a diaper rash! ⁣⁣⁣Just change the fitted once the diaper feels damp.

Fitted diapers with wool cover are also the most effective nighttime cloth diapering solution I have found!

Fitted diapers are not the cheapest style of diaper but they are on the cheaper side!

My go to fitted diapers are Luludew's fitteds.

Luludew's convertible cover is my favourite cover to use. They are seriously ADORABLE!!

Check out my review of Luludew's convertible covers HERE.

Each and every type of cloth diaper is amazing in its own way! So many parents love pocket diapers because of the price tag and ease of use once the diaper has been stuffed.I personally will pick a fitted with a cover every single time if I have the choice!

What is your favourite way to cloth diaper?


This Blemished Life.

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