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10 Ways Wet Bags Can Make Your ZERO WASTE Journey Easier

Writer: thisblemishedmomthisblemishedmom

Updated: Sep 24, 2020

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Whoever said switching to a zero waste lifestyle is easy...

is crazy...

Actually has anyone every said that?

Probably not...

There's days where it all feels like too much and I want to give up. Then I remember why I'm doing this. It's not for me and my convenience ... it's for my kids... for OUR planet... If everyone who started working towards a waste free life gave up... where would our planet even be?

We need people to keep pushing through...We need people to teach us... We need to keep trying...

That's why we need to talk about how to make the switch to a more eco friendly life just a little bit easier. If I can make the process seem just a little bit less overwhelming then maybe more people will try it.

What even are wet bags?

If you don't cloth diaper this might be a new term for you.

Wet bags are magical bags that are waterproof and leak resistant! They zip up to keep odours and liquids in. Most cloth diapering parents use them to store dirty diapers.

But they can be used for so many things.

Even if you don't have kids wet bags can make your life a whole lot easier.

10 Uses for Wet Bags That WILL Make Your Zero Waste Journey Easier!

1. Kitchen Laundry Bag

I don't know about you but for me the reason paper towels are so convenient is because you use them and toss them right away. There's no other steps. You don't have to run to your laundry bin after... You don't have to use any brain power... It's that easy... and YES I'm that lazy.

Obviously paper towel isn't the right choice here. Its a one time use item... and it's overly wasteful... But that's where wet bags come in.

I hang a wet bag from the handle on my oven. That way each time I clean up a spill, wipe a dirty face, or my cloth is dirty I throw it in the wet bag and grab a new one!


On laundry day just grab the wet bag and wash the cloths and wet bag with all your other laundry!

BAM! So easy.

2. Bathroom Laundry Bag

I just started doing this and I am loving it. Its the same idea as the kitchen wet bag. Hang a small wet bag somewhere in your bathroom. Instead of using disposable face wipes use reusable wash cloths. When you are done with it throw it in the wet bag.

If you need to do a quick wipe down of your bathroom sink or counter just throw the rag in the wet bag after. Doing this really helps me keep my bathroom clean and tidy. Which is a big deal to me.

3. Zero Waste To Go Bag

I have a small little wet bag I carry with me in my purse/diaper bag. It's big enough to fit reusable cutlery , straws, napkins, a collapsible to go mug , disinfectant ( because kids...), and bibs for my daughter.

4. Cloth Wipes

Luludew Cloth Wipe Bag in Woof

This one isn't just for parents...

If you use wet wipes at all this is a great option. Keep cloth wipes in your car with a small glass spray bottle for any spills! They are great to take along for picnics... or just everywhere if you are a messy person. I usually have one wet bags for clean wipes and one for dirty.

5. Cloth Pad Laundry Bag

Damero Wet Bag in Cute Whale

If you use cloth pads, wet bags are amazing for storing used pads until wash day. Keep a small one in your purse for when out and about and keep one in your bathroom.

When you get home just dump the small wet bag and it's contents into the bag in your bathroom. Then you are ready to go for wash day.

6. Wet Swimsuit Storage

Swimming is so fun but nothing is more annoying than everything in your bag getting soaking wet because of your swimsuit.

WET BAG to the rescue!

7. Laundry Bag When Travelling

I like to be organized. So much that if I'm not I'll probably go into a state of panic....

Wet bags have saved my sanity when on vacation. I now always bring one large wet bag for all of our dirty clothes. It makes unpacking when you get home so easy.

No more going through everyones clothes trying to figure out what is clean and what is dirty!

8. Makeup Bag

Damero Wet Bag in Cats

Put your makeup and toiletries in a wet bag while traveling to save your clothes from any potential spills and leaks. Or just store your makeup in a wet bag permanently . No need for any fancy makeup bags.

9. Reusable facial tissue (kleenex) storage

Bumkins Reusable snack bag in Hearts

Use a small wet bag or reusable sandwich bag to store your cloth facial tissues. I cut up an old sheet and turned it into facial tissue. When I'm sick I just carry my little wet bag around with me. Once one of my kleenex is dirty I just throw it in the wet bag in my bathroom and grab a new one.

10. Lunch Kit

Wet bags make a great lunch kit! No need to go out and buy a fancy lunch bag when you have 100000 wet bags!

2 Extra Uses for wet bags with KIDS:

1. Storage for soiled clothes on the go

ALWAYS keep a wet bag in your diaper bag for all soiled clothes and diapers... You just never know with kids.

2. To go Potty Seat storage

Potty Training..... Every parents nightmare... Nothing is worse than when you're mid potty training and have to carry your child's foldable potty seat with you everywhere you go.

Wet bags are a great way to store them in your purse... They keep all the gross in and its not as obvious to the world you are carrying a potty everywhere.

There you have it! 12 AMAZING ways you can use wet bags to help you on your zero waste journey.

There are so many other way you could use them. You just need to get creative.

Check out my store to see my recommended wet bags! (If you are in the US click the links on the images to purchase.)

Do you guys have any clever ways to use Wet Bags?

I'd love to hear them in the comments below!

& be sure to SUBSCRIBE for more posts like this.

Good luck on your journey... whatever that may be!

1 Comment

Earth Mamas International
Earth Mamas International
Oct 05, 2019

I absolutely love this post! I have just recently learned about wet bags (from cloth diapering) and I can't believe the uses that I find for them! Thanks for adding to my repertoire!


This Blemished Life.

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